Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University
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Development and Test of Dissovable Bridge Plug for Staged Fracturing
Zhao Xuliang, Liu Yongli, Gong Junmin
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Based on the study of the material dissolution mechanism,it was clear that uniform solubility and controllable solubility were the key properties of soluble materials.Dissolvable magnesium and aluminum metal material were designed. The test results of the sample show that the designed dissolution rate of a dissolvable materials is 0.184 g/h under the conditions of 1% Cl- mass fraction of the solution and a temperature of 90 ℃. The advantages and disadvantages of bridge plug structure design at home and abroad were compared, based on the concept of dissolution difference and the objective of optimizing pressure bearing, anchoring and dissolution performance, a new dissolvable bridge plug, which meet the fracturing demand of Liaohe Oilfield, was developed. The results of indoor evaluation tests show that, the fracturing ball can be dissolved in 30.0 hours under the conditions of 1% Cl- mass fraction of the solution and a temperature of 90 ℃;the maximum working pressure of the dissolvable bridge plug is 70.0 MPa, the effective sealing time is more than 12.0 hours, and the dissolution time is 16.0 days. The field test was carried out with the developed dissolvable bridge plug. During the field test, the setting and releasing operation was successful, and the soluble ball was obviously in place. The bridge plug has been dissolved after 18.0 days of spraying. The successful development of dissolvable bridge plug will provide important supports for the large⁃scale volume fracturing technology in Liaohe Oilfield.
2021, 41 (3): 57-61. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6952.2021.03.009